NavMeshLinks (AI Navigation package) with NavMeshAgentMovement


New member
There seems to be an issue with the NavMeshAgentMovement ability when traversing NavMeshLinks from the Unity AI Navigation package (previously navmesh components). It looks like isOnOffMeshLink flag on the NavMeshAgent is true if it is on a NavMeshLink as well. However, OffMeshLink will be null in the OffMeshLinkData which then breaks NavMeshAgentMovement. Searching through the forums, it was brought up that an integration package may be needed to address this. Is there an integration package that should fix this? Or is there a workaround for the time being?


This will require an integration. The AI Navigation package has a slightly different API than the regular NavmeshAgent. I have it on my list but am not sure when I'll be able to get to adding an integration.