MoveTowardsLocation - Vehicles


For vehicle interaction with RCC, why does the MoveTowards have to be roughly on the ground? For example, your M3_E36 is set to Y-0.744. If I do a similar and the position is not near the ground, then it won't register. Changing Distance, Angle, Required Ground, Precision Start, Size, Yaw Offset doesn't fix the situation.

This becomes an issue in a number of situations:
  • vehicle flips
  • vehicle on uneven ground
  • when I mod this for the Realistic Hovercraft Controller, if the vehicle falls on it's side, i have to completely change the position and make it dynamic.
  • i'm expecting other similar issues when i mod this for other vehicles
There is a toggle which specifies if the move towards location has to be grounded, and this will determine if the relative y value is used. With that said, move towards location will use the pathfinding implementation so it has to be a valid pathfinding location.
Thanks for the input but that did not solve the issue. If the vehicle flips over or is on it's side, the problem still persists.
I think that Move Towards will need to be extended in order to fit that use case. Move Towards is designed to move to a specific point, and if that point isn't valid then it's not going to be able to move there. I can add it to my list of things to look at.