Modify abilities values - external script


New member

For the purposes of my game, i need to modify ability values (aswell turn them on/off for specific levels).
Something like state manager seems great, but the problem is for example "Jump" ability, i can only change values with one extra state?

I'm creating a party game with bunch of minigames, and it would be ideal if i could for every level/minigame modify ability values and turn them on/off...

What would be a best approach to achieve this? Is there a way to change specific ability value multiple times with some external script without changing core controller scripts?
Thank you for your support :)
The state system stacks so you can keep changing the same value, but only the highest active state will persist. For example, let's say that you have:


State1 and State3 modify the jump force and are active. The jump force will be set to the value specified by State1 because it is the highest in the list. Beyond that though it will take modification.