make Shop display only one Currency


New member
I only want one currency for my game. My problem is that the shop alwasy still displays while squares for other currencies even though they dont exist. How can I remove them?
I tried just deleting them manually but these ones only show up when the game is running so I cant get to them
These are in a Prefab, so you'll need to edit that prefab.

For context, your item grid/list is made of "Item View Slots" each slot has an "Item View" that the visual part which displays your item icon, name, quantity, price, etc...
To make it modular each of these parameters are actually managed by different components called Item View Modules: (IconItemView, NameItemView, AmountItemView, CurrencyItemView, etc... )

Your Item Views are usually prefabs that you set in your "Category Item View Set" within your Inventory Grid game object.
Depending on the category of the item you can draw different ItemView prefabs.

For the Shop you'll most likely see something like this:

Then on the Item View For Shop prefab you can change the component that displays the currency:

Make sure to read the documentation:

Perhaps check out our video tutorials too:

I hope this helps