Hi, It took me a while to overcome the stripping issue related to the high managed stripping level and I saw a few discussions before, so I am posting steps here in case someone needs it.
1. Import the source. This is optional but recommended, as the UnknownTask would throw an exception if any task is missing in the future, more specifically, when your custom action/conditional scripts get stripped. Otherwise, you probably would not even notice when something is missing.
2. Create an ASMDEF file in "Behavior Designer/Runtime" folder and rename it to "BehaviorDesigner.Runtime"
3. Download the link.txt, rename it into link.xml, and put it in the Behavior Designer folder.
4. Add "[UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]" attribute to all custom action/conditional scripts you have. Although putting them in the same namespace and adding it to the link.xml is a more elegant way, it breaks the existing tree data so don't do it unless you're working with a new project.
1. Import the source. This is optional but recommended, as the UnknownTask would throw an exception if any task is missing in the future, more specifically, when your custom action/conditional scripts get stripped. Otherwise, you probably would not even notice when something is missing.
2. Create an ASMDEF file in "Behavior Designer/Runtime" folder and rename it to "BehaviorDesigner.Runtime"
3. Download the link.txt, rename it into link.xml, and put it in the Behavior Designer folder.
4. Add "[UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve]" attribute to all custom action/conditional scripts you have. Although putting them in the same namespace and adding it to the link.xml is a more elegant way, it breaks the existing tree data so don't do it unless you're working with a new project.