Latency in UCC's PUN demo scene


Active member
Hello, I'm currently working with FastSkill for an online multiplayer project, but it currently has some latency issues with the ucc characters moving strangely and slowly. I was wondering whether it was only due to his own online MP implementation, but when testing UCC's PUN demo scene I got a similar result :

I think the movement latency is just a bit worse in FastSkill's current builds, but still I'm honestly baffled ! I absolutely have to ask if anybody else got the same issue, or is just on my end ?
Latency will definitely be a touch worse in my dev builds as the region is locked to au.
Hello, I'm currently working with FastSkill for an online multiplayer project, but it currently has some latency issues with the ucc characters moving strangely and slowly. I was wondering whether it was only due to his own online MP implementation, but when testing UCC's PUN demo scene I got a similar result :

I think the movement latency is just a bit worse in FastSkill's current builds, but still I'm honestly baffled ! I absolutely have to ask if anybody else got the same issue, or is just on my end ?
I have heard of people using the Smooth Sync package to improve latency, though I haven't tried it myself:

So... Is the answer yes ? Maybe this Smooth Sync asset is great, but if I'm not the only one seeing this latency on moving ucc characters in the pun demo scene then that's worrying - I'm no expert in online multiplayer but if we absolutely need a third party asset to remove this latency then that sounds like your asset's networking sync doesn't work properly to begin with.
I mean, is it common with online multiplayer assets to see this kind of latency on moving objects ?
I personally haven't experienced this issue and I know of some large studios using it without any modification. The Smooth Sync asset is just one that I have seen mentioned before that solved the issue for those that have had something similar.

I wondered what the reason why I saw that latency and you didn't was, and my guess was right : you once mentioned you had a 60hz monitor, correct ? If yes, then for the love of god buy at least a 144hz one, not only does it make gaming much more pleasant, it's also a necessity for game dev stuff, because the video you see here is the result I got by limiting my 300hz monitor to 60hz. A high refresh rate should be beneficial for online competitive games especially, something's really wrong here !
Sorry for writing to an old thread, but I have been struggling with this too. If I set Application.targetFrameRate to 60 or more I get the same result as shown in the fist video. Currently my setup works great only with 30 fps, anything higher starts to lag. I tried to set the PhotonNetwork.SendRate to 60 but it didn't help either. Would appreciate any help.