Jerky Arm Movement with Bow


New member
So i just finished setting up the bow, and everything works well. Except for the fact that moving the mouse up and down causes jerky movement of the arms of the player. it also exaggerates the movements when trying to aim. It only happens in the 2.D view type though. From what I have noticed. Is this something that is well known, and if so, any suggestions on how i can overcome this issue. i am guessing this is happening because of the character IK. Is there a way to regulate the weight for looking up and down, also with the head movement. It is really very bad and the hands sometimes twist into the mesh.

Are you able to reproduce it within the demo scene? I just picked up the bow and went into 2.5D and the movements were smooth.
Maybe you should try it will a path. I guess thats the problem. Also, I dont have access to the demo scene. I am using the third personal controller
When I tested it I used the demo scene which uses a path. You can try it out within ThirdPersonControllerDemo.
This is weird, I just tried the demo scene and everything works well there. But when i tried to export the character to my own scene. It all goes haywire. Any idea what might be the issue. Because the same character that works well in the demoscene doesnt in my scene. I have hidden everything except the character and the ground. I also tried to create a new character. It always has issues with the character. The body, hands and head movement are jerky and cant aim
No, Other weapons aims are also off. I noticed that when it happens, I get this debug message in the console "
Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

coming from this line
m_CharacterLocomotion.DeltaYawRotation = MathUtility.ClampInnerAngle(Quaternion.LookRotation(localLookDirection.normalized, m_CharacterLocomotion.Up).eulerAngles.y);

line 225 in the Aim ability script

in the update rotation function
1. Character controller variant (Ultimate Character Controller, First Person Controller, etc).
Ultimate character controller
2. Unity version (include which SRP, beta Unity versions aren't supported)
Tried on both Unity 2019.1.1f and 2019.1.5f
3. Bug description
Jerky movement when trying to Aim or move head or body with the mouse or joystick. If you press escape key. The body movements move well. If you are using joystick and you move the joystick to the right before going up and down. It works well, but just moving up and down and the movement go haywire. This doesnt happen at all in the demo scene.
4. Steps to reproduce
Create a new scene, create a character for 2.5D and camera for 2.5D. Set up weapons. try to aim with a mouse or joystick and it starts jittering
5. The full error message (if any)
I get this debug message in the console "
Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

coming from this line
m_CharacterLocomotion.DeltaYawRotation = MathUtility.ClampInnerAngle(Quaternion.LookRotation(localLookDirection.normalized, m_CharacterLocomotion.Up).eulerAngles.y);

line 225 in the Aim ability script

in the update rotation function
For the steps to reproduce can you either list the specific steps that you took to get the error or upload a repro scene? If you go the repro scene route I only need the unique files and not the UCC set of assets.
I know about the rotation of the character weapons being off. But I did not want to add fixing that in the video. But you can see the way the weapons quickly move with the player. The rotation of body,hand and head movement of the character is off and jerky

I didn't see the error in your video but you'll want to ensure that you have added the Restrict Rotation ability. This will keep the character oriented towards the path. Beyond that if you can either list the exact setup steps or send me a minimal repro scene that would be great.