Item View - Limit to Equipped Slot?


New member
Been trying to solve this one and running out of ideas: effectively I'm looking to create a system by which items for a specific slot are equipped via hotbar, and then display into another single-cell item view slot to communicate which hotbar item is currently equipped. In essence, building an ability system by which you choose your ability from a hotbar to map it to an attack/use button.

That said, I'm trying to use the Equipment Panel / Equipment Item View Slots, however it seems that attempting to hide/restrict any of the other slots from appearing also prevents the slot for my 'skill' items from populating.

Would appreciate any advice!
I'm not sure I completely follow what you are trying to do.

If you need something that functions a bit differently from the default behavior I would suggest you write custom code for your own hotbar.
You can inherit the Item View Slot Container Base class and override the functions you want. Then you'll be able to make it function exactly the way you want. And you will still automatically benefit from the Item Views (Modules), the drag and drop, item action binding etc...

You can check the ItemHotbar and Item Slot Collection View code for inspiration on how to write custom Item View Slot Containers. The code is all documented with comments so you should be able to understand it fairly quickly