Issues in editor but not in build


New member
When you are using the update location 'update' the first person character gets stuck when walking against a wall and jumps way too high in the editor, If you build the scene without changing any values the character behaves normal.

If you use the 'fixed' update location the character behaves normal in both the editor and build but the camera acts weird and slow in the editor but normal in the build without changing any values.

Any way to fix this issue? It's annoying having to build every time I wanna test something involving the character and I'm using Unity version 2019.3.11.
I'm not able to reproduce this within the demo scene. Does it work correctly there?
Just tested it in the demo scene and everything works fine in the demo but to reproduce just make a new project in 2019.3.11, setup the layers, buttons, camera and then make a first person combat character without animator and only with standard abilities ( make sure to turn off wait for animation event in the jump ability ).

Now the character jumps extremely high and gets stuck while walking against walls in the editor but works fine in the build.

Is it something to do with a missing ability or something similar?
I just tried to reproduce this but wasn't able to. Here was my test:

Maybe you could cap your framerate with Application.targetFrameRate?