[Issue] Cant get interact ability to work.


New member
Trying to get interact ability to work with a gameobject of mine but its not working. I have the interactable component attached to a gameobject with a box collider set as a trigger then attached my MonoBehaviour that implements the iinteractable target and message interfaces to the target list of the interactable component and set up the IDs and made sure the interact ability ID matches and objection is trigger and dectect layer is set to default same as the object I want to interact with but the only thing that happens is the interact message shows up when entering the trigger box try as I might pressing the action key does nothing. I have dug through the demo scene looking at the interactable examples to see what I am doing wrong and even checked through the code for the interactable examples but I cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
There have been a few questions related to the interact ability so I'll record a video. This should be up within the next day or two. For now have you seen this page?

I have read through the documentation for Interact and after some playing around I found interact only works for me when I use an animator that uses the demo animation controller, even though my script that implements Interact doesnt call upon any animations it will only work when those conditions are met. I also found I that I can disable the animator component during play and interact still works even though no animations can play anymore, any info on why interact works like this despite my script not calling any animations, unless I missed something in documentations (my aplogises if I did) that says interact needs an animator and correctly setup animation controller for it to work even when not using animations.
It sounds like you could be missing an animation event. The new video is online - see if it helps at all:

Unfortunately your video didnt help me fix my issue so I have made a video to showcase what exactly my issue is with the interact ability. Hopefully it helps with fixing the issue
Unfortunately due to support load we are unable to review lengthy videos like this. If you could provide the full stack trace of your warning/error message then that should help us pinpoint the source of the issue much more quickly. Thanks!
I found a solution to my problem with the interact ability, by building my character as generic the ability works fine regardless of how the characters anim controller is setup you can even remove the animator from the character and interact still works. However if the character is built as a humaniod I found that for interact to work I must have a state on the base layer which leads to a blend tree of an idle animation or interact wont work. Not sure why interact works this way as this is not mentioned in the interact video.