InvisibleShadowCasterUniversalRP not working since update


Active member

Since updating to 2.3.latest.... my First Person Perspective is all wacky again.

I've gone back through the character and all things that appear to be related to the InvisibleShadowCasterUniversalRP I've checked and seem correct.

The invisible objects were working as expected before update, but now when switching to first person the result is:

- At first weapons were magenta, but now seems fixed
- 3rd person Head and Arms are still visible in Game and Scene views, despite the 'UCCFPS Material Controller' being set to
hide 'head' and 'arms' in First Person.....

It looks like you are using FPS Mesh Tool? UCCFPS Material Controller is responsible for switching the materials with FPS Mesh Tool so I would talk to the FPS Mesh Tool developer.
Ah ok thanks Justin.

I've fully reinstalled Opsive asset folders, don't know whether that would break the FPS Mesh tool from working if it was from late 2020 also
SOLVE (I think)
I think the issue was that in updating UCC something is now different on the UCCFPS Material Controller component.

It seems to have more detailed options than I remember having to perform previously.

I'm using 'Synty' characters with up to 14 Skinned mesh renderers in my Main Character. So because I only have one activated at a time, the UCCFPSMaterialController won't recognise any that are disabled - This seems to be only for the 'Renderers', not the 'Ignore Renderers'. So following steps allowed me to get it all done automatically rather than manual entry:

- Drop in all the 'Ignore Renderers' (First Person Renderers that it will NOT make invisible)
- Activate ALL Third person renders, and UCCFPSMAterialController will recognise this, if not, re-attach the component
- Drop all of these into 'Renderers' while they're active
- Hi 'Update Render info' or whatever it says, to update
- Disable whichever Skins/Renderers as required, but DO NOT hit update again, as it will prompt

This seems to be working.