InvisibleShader in HDRP


New member
Hi, I'm trying to use the UCC on a HDRP project.
I followed the videos but the main problem is that when i switch to first person perspective, the weapon relative to the third person perspective appears with a purple material.
I think that this is related to the custom InvisibleShader not converted correctly for the HDRP.
I'll post the problem below.BHugMat.JPG
Can you help me?
I added the FPSMeshTool integration component to the player as seen on the video, but both rifle and arms turn pink.
The shader is the "InvisibleShadowCaster".
I read in the code :
// Shader that is invisible but casts shadows.
// This shader uses the standard render pipeline but was made with Amplify Shader Editor so can be changed to other pipelines.
Can you help me converting this to HDRP?
I found a solution using an hdrp lit material and setting it to transparent.
Than I used the additive mode and set alpha, metallic and smoothness to 0.
It should work.
Hope that I helped someone resolving this incompatibile problem.
If you need help I can post when asked the material settings.