Integration of movement packs with NavMeshes


New member
Is there any documentation or perhaps a tutorial for integrating the climbing and agility packs with Unity's NavMeshes? The regular NavMeshAgentMovement ability is insufficient for the off-mesh links required for most of these features to work. Ideally, a system to do so would use the new component-based offmesh links, attaching them to the prefabs. I've been working on this myself, overriding the built-in ability, but I've really struggled with getting the systems to cooperate. I had sort of expected the movement packs to include some NavMesh functionality, but I'd be perfectly willing to purchase a standalone asset if one exists.
The controller doesn't support Unity's NavMesh Components. It requires the NavMesh that is built into Unity. I have it on my list to support the new NavMesh Components package but haven't been able to get to it yet.

With that said, off mesh links require a custom implementation since each link is different. You can do so by override the UpdateOffMeshLink method.
Still working at it. The problem I've had with NavMeshLinks is that the default controller lacks the movement precision to get the character into place for particular movement actions. For example, the character must be lined up exactly on the MoveTowardsLocation spot on the ladder, vault, balance board, etc. for the animations to be executed naturally while the character navigates. I can't move the character manually because the controller overrides the position. I've had a very frustrating time of it.
I'm sure I'm missing a simple solution, so even a small sample script on any one of these would be tremendously helpful.
The Move Towards location has positional and rotational thresholds that you can set to prevent it from needing to be exact. You should also uncheck the Precision Start option if you are using the component to start a new ability.