Impact Module Group/ Impact Action/ Add Force to NavMesh Agent?

I have a Player character using UCC/UIS. What I would like to do is to add a force to an enemy (the enemy is using the NavMeshAgent/Behavior Tree) when struck by the Player's weapon. I have a Melee Action on the weapon, with Impact Module Group set up with an Add Force Impact Action, which works fine on non-navmesh objects using RigidBody, but has no effect on enemy agents.
I'm not sure, but I think I may have asked this question when using UCC_V2, and was told it wasn't possible. Did this change with UCC_V3?
This will require you to subclass the NavMeshMovement ability and have it account for the force when determining the velocity. By default as you've noticed the agent follows the desired path and does not take into account the external force at all. I can add this to my list but right now my priority is Behavior Designer so I'm not sure when I'll be able to take a look at it.