I would like to know about tutorial videos etc. after integration with playmaker.


New member
I'm having trouble finding tutorial videos or articles after integrating the ultimate inventory system with playmaker. I was able to create buttons and create save and load functions using FSM while referring to Opsive official YouTube video, but since I'm a complete beginner, I still don't know how to use things like "get set item attribute value ○○〇". I do not know. Is there anything on the official website that would be helpful?

★★ I would like to use FSM to create something like "the door opens" when a player owns "item_A" created using the ultimate inventory system. Also, since I have integrated pixel crusher's dialogue system, I would like to be able to have the player's conversation branch if they own "item_A".

★★ I would be happy if you could give me some advice.
Unfortunatly we do not have any video tutorials/documentation on Playmaker.
But all actions are fully commented and all fields have tooltips that explain how to set them up.

We usually implement Playmaker actions as people request them (only when reasonable of course).

You could reach out to @snicker . He's a user of UIS and he uses playmaker for his project. He made a few playmaker/UIS requests. You could have a look at the forum posts he made and read through them to get some context on some of the FSM action.

For the dialogue system and UIS please refer to this page: