How to push a simple sphere???


I'm trying to achieve a simple "push the object when moving into it", so I create a basic sphere, added a collider and a rigidbdy, so I ended with:

Awesome, but when I touch on it something inside Opsive add a custom material to this sphere, with cause the following effect:

So, after some research it seems that the guy that decides who will get this new material or not is the CharacterLayerManager, after some tests it seems that setting the sphere with SubCharacter layer will gimme the behavior that I want, but I don't want to rely on using the correct layer just to be able to set an object to be "pushable", so I have my own layer called Swarm, and I tried to setup it with the same settings that SubCharacter have on CharacterLayerManager

On InvisibleLayers

On Solid Object layers

But for some reason, having two identical spheres, in different layers, cause two different behaviors, as you can see here:

So I need some aid to understant what is going on and how could I setup an object to be pushable without relying on some specific layer

Thanks in advance
Your original setup looked good and you just need to adjust the weight or physic material. In the demo scene there is an example of three different spheres of different weights that you can push and they all use the default layer.