How to implement a technical takedown?


New member

I purchased all of the thrid person controller, the inventory system and the behavior designer. My goal is to implement a stealth and technical takedown behavior for my character. My thought is maybe I should make a stealth weapon categroy and design some item behavior on that. However, I'm a non-coder and rely on playmaker. I wonder if I can design item behavior with playmaker? If not, My plan is to implement some FSMs independent form the opsive systmes. Do you have any suggestions or this there anything I should pay paticular attention to? Thanks
For this situation you'll need to create a new take down ability. You would have both a take down and take down response ability, similar to how we have a melee counter attack ability. You would do this on the character controller side of things, and then can use Behavior Designer's Start Ability task. Unfortunately the ability system requires coding and cannot be used with Playmaker. In this situation I would not use the item system.
For this situation you'll need to create a new take down ability. You would have both a take down and take down response ability, similar to how we have a melee counter attack ability. You would do this on the character controller side of things, and then can use Behavior Designer's Start Ability task. Unfortunately the ability system requires coding and cannot be used with Playmaker. In this situation I would not use the item system.
Is it possible I add a FSM on the character gameobject and implement the function completely independently from the UCC? is it gonna be conflict?
If you completely disable the character controller components then it won't conflict, but with them enabled then there will be conflicts.