How demo scene setup Runtime Items Pickup ?


New member
Hi @Justin

First : In this video
you explain and what I learn is, this is the way to set melee weapon directly to player in editor. And in this video also explain when player do not have items at first time play,
. But in demo I observe that all items already setup in Nolan "Items" gameobjects, but when start Play every items set as runtime pickup. Here as new comer for your controller I really confuse, and always get headache when try to learn the demo compare to youtube and documentation :). Please tell me shortly how come the demo scene runtime pickup is not setup like the way you teach in youtube video tutorials ?


Second : Also I'm still thinking that all runtime pickup items can be setup without typing any script as just as explained in video tutorials, but I do not know how to setup Shield for left hand (I ask in other thread).

Am I correct that items can be setup without scripting at first ? For now I can setup assault riffle and sword with sound, effects using builtin animations after watching videos and read detail scripts to get deep understanding. But I though I can learn how to use controller easily, without need to read code, but I can't. I have to read some scripts to get to know how it works, and it is difficult and takes time even when I used to read other developer's code in other languages :D.

Because I plan to create all working items, sound, effect, using builtin animations in dummy scenes for each to learn all the features in controller and want to know that all can be setup without script, and I will code later for the gameplay and scnearios when I create some level design.

Third : Just as suggestion, please create written tutorials since documentation mostly just like explain about description of the feature and inspector fields, but lack of tutorial of how to use it related to real case scnearios. The tutorials will help new comer to absorb knowledge of your controller and then produce game as fast as needed. Even some questions in forum did not help to get answer of the problem. I now try to create any video tutorials for my self to let me refresh and remind if I forget to setup the things in your controller. I do not have plan to share to public, but if it is ready I'll share it to help others focus on gameplay quickly, not struggle too long on learning the controller.
There are 2 types of items: runtime pickup items, and "normal" items. The items you see in the scene hierarchy, under "Nolan/Items/...", e.g. AssaultRifle, Sword, Shotgun, etc. are all "normal" items - they have been created and attached to the character object in the scene. These items appear in the character's rig for third-person, and will get added to the camera during run-time for first-person. Runtime pickup items don't exist in the scene at all, until the character gets that item in their inventory - an example of a runtime pickup item in the demo scene is the Bow. There is a Bow prefab item that you can see in the project assets, but it doesn't appear in the scene hierarchy until the player picks it up.

I'll take a look at your thread and reply to it separately.

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll pass it on :)
Thanks @Andrew I checked again demo scene, so all items are set as "normal" items, but inventory is empty. So when character pickup new item, it just added the quantity to character's inventory. Visually in gameplay, the behavior very similar like "runtime" items since in youtube video we don't need to setting "Item Set Manager" and it works for sword. Maybe that's what make me confuse before. I'll try to explore again.