High mouse sensitivity with the input system integration


New member
Hello, I recently switched to Unity's new input system. I'm using the latest version of the Ultimate Character Controller in combination with the INPUT SYSTEM integration in Unity 2021.3.27f1. After configuring the character to use the new input system, I noticed that the mouse sensitivity is way to high. The look sensitivity default is X: 2, Y: 2 but I had to change both of them to around 0.001 for the mouse sensitivity to be the same.

When testing these settings on a controller instead of a mouse, the controller sensitivity is way to low now, so it looks like this issue only applies to the mouse sensitivity.

Is there some setting I need to change to get this working right or is this a bug?
Within the Input System manager you can control the scale of each input. I would adjust this value here so you can have a different sensitivity based on the input type.