Height Change Ability with multiple Start types?


New member
Hi maybe some one has an idea, how i can merge the Height chage Ability in to 2 different start types.
I want to create a smoother gameplay, where the player can move to a small area with a trigger volume and the height changes atomatic.
Right now im using a standart Height change abilty and a modifed one with diferent start types and Object detection trigger.
My problem right now is that sometimes these 2 abilitys interact with each other and the capsule collider on the player goes wild and does not keep the set height.
I also used this but the Detection trigger still does strange things.
if (CrouchArea.IsActive)
My idea would be that i remove the second ability and moidify only the Height Change ability to work with Key press start and a atomaic start with object Detection Volume and a layer. But im not sure if its the right move.

Yep, you can use the state system to force a particular ability to disable another ability when it becomes active. You'd just need to add a state preset to the ability you want to disable, and set its "Active" parameter to false. (The state name assigned to the preset should match the other ability's "State" property.)