Heads Up On Potential Bug In Upcoming Unity versions!


New member
Was messing around with the new 2023.2 Unity Alpha, and brought in Behavior Designer (Because I love it) and none of the editors will draw, they now throw many many errors.

I THINK that the newer versions of Unity might have changed some of their Editor UI backend resulting in these errors.
Obviously this is an Alpha and there's no reason you should be worrying about supporting an engine alpha.

But I did want to drop a heads up in case it's a change that persists and causes some friction later on if 2023.2 Stable version drops and this is still happening.

It's also possible they busted something they'll fix, I've seen that before in these alphas.
Either way, just an early warning on your radar for you!

Here's the error for your reference, throws 26 of them:

Cannot initialize non-default texture with negative or zero width.
UnityEngine.Texture2D:.ctor (int,int,UnityEngine.TextureFormat,bool)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorDesignerUtility:LoadTexture (string,bool,UnityEngine.Object)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorDesignerUtility:InitVariableMapButtonTexture ()
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorDesignerUtility:get_VariableMapButtonTexture ()
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.VariableInspector:DrawSharedVariable (BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.IVariableSource,BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable,bool)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.VariableInspector:DrawAllVariables (bool,BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.IVariableSource,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.SharedVariable>&,bool,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<single>&,int&,string&,int&,bool,bool)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorInspector:DrawInspectorGUI (BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Behavior,UnityEditor.SerializedObject,bool,bool&,bool&,bool&)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorInspector:OnInspectorGUI ()
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Glad you are enjoying Behavior Designer! If you don't mind writing a review I'd really appreciate it :)

I actually fixed this error last week and can send an updated version to you if you'd like. I am waiting on a few more improvements before submitting this version to the store