Hang start jump blocked by deactivated collider in hand


Active member
This was one of the craziest issues I've had to solve, I lost more than 2 days to it ! My character could no longer detect ledges correctly and jump onto them, she would get stuck in her hang idle animation right on the ground ! Guess what caused the issue ? A deactivated beer bottle ! That's right, about a week ago I added a beer bottle object under her right hand, it was only supposed to be briefly activated for a scene where she drinks from it and then get deactivated again. However its box collider was left enabled and it was on the default layer, two conditions that can be at the root of the issue as demonstrated by this video :

I still fail how to understand how a deactivated object could cause this ? Is this actually normal ? If there is a logical reason behind this please let me know !
When I do the next Agility Pack update I will look into this and let you know. I'm glad that you got it solved though!
I just wasted some time again tonight because of that same issue. There has to be a way to check if those colliders are deactivated like I did there : https://www.opsive.com/forum/index....hange-blocked-by-deactivated-colliders.10496/

Even if using the SubCharacter layer seems to prevent the issue and might be the correct way to do it, having a deactivated object with a collider interfere here doesn't make any logical sense. I first reported this more than a year ago, please have this one fixed for the next update, thanks.