First Person Perspective Item IK


Active member
The third person perspective item has IK that allows the non-dominant hand to be repositioned. But I cannot find IK for the First Person Perspective Item?

Is there a way to reposition the non-dominant hand for the First Person Perspective item?

I am hoping that there is a solution I missed in UCC. But If out-of-the-box UCC does not have a mechanism for repositioning the non-dominant hand in first person:
- Is the recommended solution to create a custom animation for each rifle variation, pistol variation, etc? (this is scary amount of work)
- Would a custom implementation of CharacterIK attached to the first person game object possibly work? I am using a full humoid character for the arms, with just the other body parts invisible. And so I expect IK will work in this situation?
- Or is final IK a better option?
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Unity's IK solution doesn't support generic rigs so there isn't a first person solution in the character controller. FinalIK supports generic rigs but I haven't tried using it for that purpose so I'm not sure if there needs to be a further integration.
Is there a way to use IK on FP arms it is does have a humanoid rig? I used FPS Mesh to create my character objects so I have a full humanoid rig for both 1st and 3rd person views.
There isn't anything built in. For this you'll need to extend the CharacterIK component.