First Person Arms Visibility Problem


I use URP. I don't use extra FPS camera. I followed instructions on that page;

Character starts with a rifle loaded. When just game view is active on the editor, arms are invisible on the game view. When I open a scene view in unity, arms become visible in the game view. When arms are invisible, If the player looks at his feet, arms became visible. How can I solve this? It is the same on the build. Player has to look at feet to make arms visible.
Hi, I'm using the URP in my project as well. But I don't think your problem is URP related.

When arms are invisible, If the player looks at his feet, arms became visible.
This right here makes me think that your "Render Bounds" are set incorrectly.

You should check out the official tutorial video on creating first person items. The link below should start exactly where this problem is fixed. Hope it helps.
Opsive First Person Item Creation Youtube Video, 13 Minute Mark
It is strange. When I watched that tutorial, I remember that I checked "Update When Ofscreen" at the Skinned Mesh Renderer instead of setting render bounds and it was worked. I use LTS version. I think I used 2 previous version of LTS when I watched that video. I am wrong or it is a Unity bug.

I changed just Left Arm Render Bounds and it is worked for whole arms and rifle. All parts except Left Arm, Update When Ofscreen is checked.
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