First Person Arms & Crawling


New member

In the agility demo, there is a crawl mechanic. If you play this in first person, when the character crawls the arms that can be seen belong to the overall character body which is animating. Then when you finish crawling, the 'first person arms' snap back in for weapon holding. Effectively there are two arm objects involved.

First up, have I understood that correctly?

Secondly, in my game I won't be having a full animted body, just a 'first person arms' object which I'd like to do everything. Will UCC allow me to have the single first person arms object for items, and also stay rendered and animated for abilities?

I hope that's made some sense!
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Connected question - above is the crawl ability from Nolan in the agility demo.

How does the controller know to turn off the 'first person arms' when this ability starts?
First up, have I understood that correctly?
Yes, that's correct.

Will UCC allow me to have the single first person arms object for items, and also stay rendered and animated for abilities?
Yes, it will.

How does the controller know to turn off the 'first person arms' when this ability starts?
The Crawl ability disallows any weapon so it unequips the items. The first person arms then go to the default state which is outside the camera view.