Finalik weapon look direction error


1. I am using finalIk for the ucc. When I click shoot button, weapon and head doesn’t look to shoot position. If I use aim then its working perfectly.

2. When I use aim with finalIk “Player Character IK Target”(added on play mode) and shooting points are not in the same position.
how to fix these problems.
Does the animator go into an aiming state when you are hip firing?

I'm not familiar with the Player Character IK Target component. For aiming alignment you'll want to specify the Animated Aim Direction on the AimIK component.

Also, just to make sure, did you follow these steps for the integration?
yes it moving to aiming state and firing. but it doesn't aim to the Target position. it shooting horizontal direction. but bullet holes placing on target position.
and when aiming AimIk target not alignment with target position.
The integration doesn't work with the Player Character IK Target component (or variable?). You'll need to align the weapon with the AimIK's Animated Aim Direction field. An easy way to do this would be to set the Aim ability to an Automatic start type and then change the Animated Aim Direction field. This is more on the FinalIK side of things and I'm not super familiar with the intricacies with FinalIK so if you continue to have problems you'll want to ask the FinalIK developer.

and also i want to debug aim position, How to do this.
If you give more detail for what you are going for I can have a better answer, but this sounds like you'll want to use any debugging tools built into FinalIK.
I'm having the same issue described. As far as I can tell tweaking Animated Aim Direction isn't helping. I see net chatter about enabling the Use Animated Aim Direction toggle? Does Final IK Bridge already do that?

The issue I'm having, which I think is the same as described is this:
Reticule appears correct, decals are hitting in the appropriate direction but:

1.)The weapon model itself appears oriented to the left.
2.)Full auto isn't working when aimed above eye sight. Presumably something to do with the recoil pulling the weapon out of alignment with the weapon camera?
I lied, animated aim direction is fixed the problem somewhat, but I'm having a hell of a time aligning the appropriate values so that the full auto doesn't clip when aiming up.

Currently set at Vector3(-24.5,15.1000004,13.6999998) on Atlas
The weapon will wait to fire if the look direction is too far out of range compared to where it thinks it should be. You can adjust this on the Look Sensitivity module that is located under the Extras module group.