Error when trying to open Behavior Tree window

I'm getting the following error when trying to open a Behavior Tree window from the Open button in a Behavior Tree component:
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: shader
UnityEngine.Material..ctor (UnityEngine.Shader shader) (at <c2d036c16ca64e0eb93703a3b13e733a>:0)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorDesignerWindow.Init () (at <0f49ef0acdbd44f8a5303100d11f8912>:0)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorDesignerWindow.OnEnable () (at <0f49ef0acdbd44f8a5303100d11f8912>:0)
UnityEditor.EditorWindow:GetWindow(Boolean, String)
BehaviorDesigner.Editor.BehaviorInspector:DrawInspectorGUI(Behavior, SerializedObject, Boolean, Boolean&, Boolean&, Boolean&)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:processEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

I started seeing this after upgrading to BD 1.7.7 and Movement Pack 1.6.1. I see this in Unity 2022.3.2f1 as well as Unity 2021.3.24f1.

I also noticed a marked decrease in CPU performance when using the Wander node with multiple agents. I was going to try using the A * implementation and do more testing before making a thread however.

Any insight will be helpful. Thanks.
It doesn't look like you have a complete set of files as there is a missing shader. I would completely remove Behavior Designer and try installing again. For verification purposes you can also try a fresh project.
It doesn't look like you have a complete set of files as there is a missing shader. I would completely remove Behavior Designer and try installing again. For verification purposes you can also try a fresh project.
Completely removing Behavior Designer and re-installing seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help!