Error when Sword+Shield while Aiming and Moving


New member

Before posting my question, I apologize if this question already exists but I am not able to find it on the forum.

(Situation: Character equiped with Sword (right hand) and Shield (left hand))
While moving forward and aiming (ItemAbility Aim), I can attack multiple times with the sword, but when I stop attacking (still moving and aiming) the animation stops correctly but the ItemAbility does not finish (it keeps trying to end the animation endlessly in code).

After that, I can move but I cannot attack anymore. Slot0ItemStateIndex is forever 2 and Slot0ItemSubstateIndex is 2 or 3 depending on the last sword attack (102/103 if you Aim).

This thread looks like it's related:

Also make sure you've setup the correct Animator Audio States. This video has more info:

Thanks for your fast reply on Sunday!

I watched the video already and I did setup the Animator Audio States properly.

However, looking over the related thread, I have realized that the problem could be with the new Aim animation that I set on the Upperbody layer, so I have muted all the transitions (except the one from AnyState) and it is working properly again.
The problem now is that there is no transition between attack animations and Aim, so it behaves a bit weird.

First image is the transition from AnyState. Second image is the transition from any of the attack animations.
I would like to keep these transitions from the attacks to Aim, so how (and where) should I put this Aim animation?
I already understand the parameters and layers of the Demo Animator, but I don't fully understand the order of the layers, could you give me a little explanation about this please?

Thanks again


  • AnimatorAim1.PNG
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  • AnimatorAim2.PNG
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