Enemy AI


I was trying to to add an AI enemy, but I get these errors, hoy can I fix this?


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Based off of those errors you need to add a navigation mesh and also reorder the NavMeshMovement ability so it is above MoveTowards.
If you go to Window/AI/Navigation the correct window should pop up. from there it's only a matter of pressing bake.
Thanks! I have now done this, but still the AI is standing there, with no movement. I changed the character layer to enemy and character, but this seems to have no effect. What is the correct component to modify?
How do you try to move your AI? UCC does not come with any movement logic, so you need a component like Behavior Designer or your own script to set a target on the navmesh agent.
Oh, i did not know that, now it makes sense. Then, I will use the Honor AI to create my AI logic. Thanks for the help :)