Driving Skycar on Unity terrain get's stuck


Active member

Are there settings that will allow the Skycar to drive on terrain? As soon as the MeshRenderer touches terrain the car ejects my player and the vehicle stops..

I've tried moving all the colliders higher but it seems to still stop based on the meshrenderer collision with terrain?!

Cheers, just wanting to use the Basic driving system for a basic driving system for 4WD vehicles around terrain, not racing or high speed.

Ok so I've discovered it's not the car but pretty sure my character's capsule colllider or other body colliders perhaps...

Should player's collider be disabled when entering car or something with rigid body perhaps?

It's a custom character 1.5 years in the making, has a lot of modifications but can't see anything I would've done that could affect this.....

This was an issue with the hierarchy of my 'Abililties'

Drive was being interrupted I think, perhaps by 'fall'!