Disabling a Character Controller


New member
I have a vehicle mode and a walking mode in my game. I want to be able to switch between them.

I've got a central game object which turns off and hides either the vehicle or the walking character.

Unfortunately, I haven't found an easy way to switch off a character controller. IK and Movement are both called from central managers, so disabling the character object itself leads to errors in a) the look code b) the IK update and c) the central move code.

Am I missing something obvious?

The behavior I want is:
- character stops rendering
- camera controller stops following the character
- no wasteful processing happens

Ideally just disabling the character with the controller on it should make all this happen. My workaround-in-progress is to create a "disable character" script, but I keep finding more things that script has to do and it's getting messy.

Gotta be an easier way?
I'm able to deactivate and reactivate the Nolan gameObject within the demo scene without any errors.

Can you try reproducing this within the demo scene, and compare your setup with the demo's setup?