Custom Mobile Touch Controls


New member
Hi I've decided to create my own mobile controls, how do I connect it to UCC to move and look around with the character (TPS Combat). How do I integrate the joystick to UCC, do I need to use the VirtualJoystick and VirtualTouchpad classes?

You don't need to use those classes but you should implement your own PlayerInput class. Take a look at the input integrations for a few different examples of how that class is implemented.
I'm checking the PlayerInput but there's a FixedUpdate that only handles LookVectors, what about movement? Sorry I'm a bit confused here :/
Okay I think the other part is in the UltimateCharacterLocomotionHandler, so indeed it gets the data from the PlayerInput via GetAxisRaw that ultimately calls UnityInput and its GetAxis, so I might be able to follow along now, thanks :)