Having an issue with stack overflow when adding currency.
Here's an overview of the amounts.

Here's an overview of the scripts.
On interact, run my custom extension.

Here's the extension. it's using the "currencyOwner.CurrencyAmount" accessor, then AddCurrency/RemoveCurrency

The issue doesn't seem to occur when adding "iron". Iron will automatically add up. Remove currency also seems to work. It's add currency with non-iron currencies which is causing the issue (which is all of them).
See attached file for error.
Having an issue with stack overflow when adding currency.
Here's an overview of the amounts.

Here's an overview of the scripts.
On interact, run my custom extension.

Here's the extension. it's using the "currencyOwner.CurrencyAmount" accessor, then AddCurrency/RemoveCurrency

The issue doesn't seem to occur when adding "iron". Iron will automatically add up. Remove currency also seems to work. It's add currency with non-iron currencies which is causing the issue (which is all of them).
See attached file for error.