Clip Attachment ID for rigged weapon


All weapons in my game are "runtime pickup" weapons so i'm using the "Clip Attachment ID" to parent the weapon magazine on the player's hands.
The problem is that the weapons are rigged skinnedmeshes, and this parenting system won't work for my use case as seen in the video below.

My question is, how do 'animate' the magazine on players hand? There's any other way to make this work?
Are you referencing the clips mesh or the clips bone?, for skinned mesh I referenced the clip bone and had no problems. The mesh is bound to bone and can only be moved by the bone.
That happens when the event is not triggered at the correct time. Make sure you call the event when the clip should detach and the hand is closest to the clip.
@Justin Thank you for your assistance.

I put the detach event exactly in the animation frame where the clip is removed from the gun (and the hands are already on it).

I'm trying to check what is the differences between my animations / model and the default UCC stuff, the thing that comes to my mind is that my first person models has a humanoid rig while nolan view models has generic rig.

Do you think this can be related to my problem?
On the weapon be sure to drag the magazine from the weapon to the reloadable clip slot, and be sure to have the object identifier on the hand (make a empty game object) that should work.
1. The magazine from the weapon gives the transform for the reload animation to know where to put it.
2. Object identifier on a empty game object on the hand gives you the ability to adjust the magazine when its in hand (pause) and do it.