Cinemachine Viewtype not showing.


New member
Hello! Really having fun working with your assets!

I'm having trouble integrating UCC with Cinemachine.

Brand new project; installed Cinemachine 2.5. Then I installed UCC; and added "com.unity.cinemachine" to the Assembly Definition Reference before importing the Integration package found on the Integration->Cinemachine section in the documentation.

As soon as I finish, two messages on the console appear; and I still can't see "Cinemachine" under the viewTypes in the camera controller.

I've attached screens for reference:

Here is the console messages: Console.png

Assembly Definitions: AssemblyDef.png

Viewtypes Available: viewtypes.png

Here is the gameObject that's being referenced in the code:

public override void Awake()

m_Brain = m_CameraController.GetComponent<CinemachineBrain>();
if (m_Brain == null) {
Debug.LogError("Error: A Cinemachine camera must first be setup in order to be used by the Cinemachine ViewType.");
m_Camera = m_CameraController.gameObject.GetCachedComponent<UnityEngine.Camera>();
m_AimAssist = m_GameObject.GetCachedComponent<AimAssist>();
m_WorldUpOverride = new GameObject("CM WorldUp").transform;
m_Brain.m_WorldUpOverride = m_WorldUpOverride;

I might just give up and not use Cinemachine with UCC; but I think that'd be a waste.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the heads up! Glad you're enjoying the controller!

I forgot to update the Cinemachine integration for 2.2. If you download the integration package again you should be good to go.