Cinemachine Look direction


New member

I'm currently combining a Cinemachine Camera and the Top down move type. I have positioned the camera looking slightly down for a top down view, however i have noticed that the look direction and aiming of the character is pointing down as i'm guessing the target for the character is coming from a ray from the screen/camera.

Whats the best way to emulate the way the top down view type look direction targeting (straight forward in the direction of the mouse cursor)??

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The look direction is controlled with the LookDirection method - maybe you need to override that method?
I tried using the top down view code, however i keep getting an error saying the character is missing a look source.
If your character doesn't have its own camera attached then you need to add the LocalLookSource component to it.
I've not heard of the LocalLookSource component before is there any documentation on it? Does this mean i can use my own camera system rather than a view type camera?