CharacterIK when using FPS Humanoid model


New member
So, I already have my humanoid model for Third person, and it is working well.
Now I want to use the same model for the First person (as a possible scenario described here). I have used FPS Mesh tool and now I have only the arms but still a humanoid model (same as Third person). Again its "kind of" working but I need to fix the hands which would be quite simple if CharacterIK components support FPS and not only the third.

As far as I understand (and stated in the documentation here), the limitation is due to the FPS arms typically are not humanoid type. But in my case they are and it seems I would just need it to fix the hands and hopefully I would still use the same Third person animations.

So, following the UCC way, how can I still use CharacterIK for my First person humanoid model? (without having to mess with my own scripts)

If not, what would be you suggestion to do it anyway without hacks or custom scripts?

Unfortunately the character controller assumes the first person hands are generic and so it only works with IK in third person. You'll need to either modify the CharacterIK component to be able to adjust the first person rig too, or you may be able to try using Final IK, although this hasn't been tested.
I actually got Final Ik long time ago but trying to avoid using it with UCC.
I imported it (but not using UCC Final IK integration) and with the ArmIK from Final IK actually was able to fixed the hands and even the arms.
The issue is that each weapon will have different position/rotation for the hands and hence harder to work with "Items" as they are currently.
Will have to detect weapons changes and then fix ArmIK position/rotation for each one.

This approach will work but I was trying to take "full" advantage of the UCC package and its implementation approach (in case of not using generic arms).
So before closing this thread, would you see a better way to do this IK changes on FPS humanoid arms based on the weapon without attaching more logic through scripts? (i.e. inject this behaviour for humanoid arms into characterIK script?)

Unfortunately as this is not something that UCC supports in terms of IK, you're going to have to write some custom code to produce the result you're looking for and manually assign different positions per item as you said.
No worries, at least I have a working solution. Will create some sort of automatism to switch parameters on the ArmIK to help to reduce complexity when the project gets bigger (hopefully). Thanks