Character going through walls


Active member
Hello, following an exchange with @Piyush yesterday I made a video demonstrating some collision issues, easily observable when using Synty's assets. I also managed to reproduce it using thin unity boxes, though it may be possible that the way Synty's colliders are made facilitates the issue, if anyone has an idea about that please share your thoughts !

Hope this is helpful and that this can be taken a look at. Thanks in advance.
I actually found this with the pillboxes in MP Games modes addon while developing, and with local player or playing single player. The Pillbox colliders are actually pretty thick, but the small "shooter window" seems to allow the character through it. I forgot all about this one!
Hello, I have tried to create same issue within the demo scene of TPC
I have only TPC imported not UFPS

So, I tried to do same stuff within the demo scene of TPC to make sure issue is not dependent on Synty Assets and to be able to test it easily within Opsive demo scenes ❤️
I hope this video helps ❤️

Video Link -
Opsive WallCollider Bug

Thank you ❤️
I just tested what Piyush showed in his video and confirm that spot in the Flashlight section is a perfect example, it combines corners, a low ceiling, and small obstacles, with that and running and jumping there's everything you need to create this bug !