Character can't die if Puppetmaster ability is active and other abilities don't work anymore

Hello Ive encountered a bug which will make the character invincible while in puppet mode.

1. Character controller variant (Ultimate Character Controller, First Person Controller, etc). -> Ultimate Character Controller with Puppetmaster
2. Unity version (include which SRP, beta Unity versions aren't supported) -> 2022.3.10f1 on MacOSX with Apple Silicone

3. Bug description:
UltimateCharacterLocomotion will become completely unresponsive once the Puppet ability is active. Meaning I can't kill the character or damage it. Unfortunately im not able to locate the code which completely blocks out UltimateCharacterLocomotion.

4. Steps to reproduce
Use Puppetmaster and try to interact with UltimateCharacterLocomotion and Health via m_Health.ImmediateDeath();

5. The full error message (if any)
I just reproduced this and the character does die, but since the puppet ability is active there's no visual feedback. PuppetMaster isn't aware of the death though so it continues to have the character get up. This is a good question for the PuppetMaster developer - how do you stop the character from getting up if they have died? The puppet ability stops so it's a matter of having the PuppetMaster state reset.
Oh wow ok sorry my bad, wrong assumption from my side without checking it.

In this case I think I got the solution. Calling PuppetMaster.Kill if !UltimateCharacterLocomotion.Alive or OnDeath callback does the trick. Thanks for the quick response on this one :)