Change camera transition duration at runtime


New member

Recently I have set my desired transition time from third camera to third camera in the inspector, but is there a way to change the transition duration in runtime via scripts?

The use cases:
a) In game scene level events that require the camera to be detached (disable input components, change to look at camera type) from the player and focus on distant objects
b) Photo mode (disable input components, change to look at camera type) to orbit around the player (character input disabled)
c) Other similar cases lol

Im not using first person camera, only third, hence the third camera to third camera setting I have already in place in the inspector, for example, this is 5 seconds at the begining of a level, as the camera moves smoothly from one place to the player changing from look at type to adventure type, but some events in the game will require this to happen within a slower time, or maybe longer. So, how can I change this seeting during runtime?

The Transition view type has a public property for the transition time, that you can set via script. But I would recommend using the state system for changing the value.
The Transition view type has a public property for the transition time, that you can set via script. But I would recommend using the state system for changing the value.
Thank you!
Marked as solved :D