Cannot get weapon to work in Quick Prototyping video


New member
I'm using Third Person Controller and following the instructions at this video "Quick Prototyping with the Ultimate Character Controller":

I'm just using the default SM_Character_Male_01 character without FPS Mesh Tool or Blender, the character seem to look and work fine. I was able to get the character to move, jump, run and zoom very well but when I try to add the AssaultRifle, AssaultRifleBullet and AssaultRiflePickup I don't see the weapon in the scene. I was wondering what I'm missing? Thanks!
Does the AssaultRifle not appear in both, third and first person view? You can also check the item set manager whether the weapon is equipped, and active.
I only have the Third Person controller. I can now see the AssaultRifle in the ItemSetManager when I click play, and I can see the target icon in the middle of the screen and when I click play I see an item under SM_Character_Male->Items->ThirdPersonControllerAssaultRifle but I still cannot see anything in the hands of the player or anywhere when I click on that item. I tried to make the scale very large because I have seen in another post that sometimes the weapon is small for some reason, but it's still not showing up.

When I click play, there is also an item under SM_Character_Male->Root->Hips->Spine_01->Spine_02->Spine_03->Clavicle_R->Shoulder_R->Elbow_R->HandR->Items->ThirdPersonAssaultRifle

The tutorial video says to select "AssaultRifle" for Inventory->Runtime pickups but I don't see it anywhere under Opsive\UltimateCharacterController\Demo\Prefabs\Items\Shooter, I only found "AssaultRiflePickup.prefab"
When in play mode you can select the weapon in the hierarchy (under the right hand -> items), and then hit "f" in the scene window. This will focus the camera on the weapon, so you can see where it is. If it's a scale issue, then it's factor 100.
Otherwise you need to adapt position and rotation of the weapon in the hand. You can pause play mode, move the weapon into the right position in the scene view, copy the transform component values, stop play mode, and paste the new values in again.