Can I disable movement during certain ability (like attack with weapon)


New member
I just started using UTPM, I checked through options and did not find a place to disable movement during attack. Do I need to do this by coding?

Thanks! I toggled root motion for movement and attacking stops moving. However if I also toggle the rotation rootmotion the character is not able to turn left or right, I press A or D the character just moves forward.
Most of the animations included with the controller do not included the rotation data so for that you'll need to use some animations that do.
Most of the animations included with the controller do not included the rotation data so for that you'll need to use some animations that do.
I replaced animations and nolan can move with rootmotion, but the camera (character yaw) is not following the input axis now. I am using third person combat locomotion.
If you are using root motion rotation for all animations you'll need to adjust the animator so it uses the yaw parameter to turn for all states.