Camera stays in adventure mode even in FPS


New member

I found a bug in version 2.1.

After building on OSX for OSX the camera controller function is in adventure mode although the state shows combat. That means you controller your character as in adventure mode but the state is combat third person.

If I build the same scene and config on OSX for WINDOWS the controller works fine.
I don't have a Mac to test on but it should be the same with any platform. Try switching the View Type on the camera controller to ensure that it is set to the correct type. Also ensure that you save the scene/project (I know that I've made that mistake before :) )
So what I checked so far... I setup my scene with the controller in the state THIRDPERSONCOMBAT ... and played in the editor... everything works fine.... checked... then I build the scene .... in the playable build the camera act like it is an adventure camera.... after building the game also playing in the editor the character acts like a adventure controller but the state is third person combat... does not happen if I build for windows
Can you place a Debug.Log/Breakpoint within CameraController.SetViewState? This should then give you a call stack so you can see what is changing the view type. Maybe a preset is changing it only on OSX?
My fault... didn't update the locomotion after spawning the character... runs fine now on OSX and Win