Camera move and shake in time


Is there a way to move and shake the camera for explosions etc. I have been trying to add a script that control inherits the values for camera offset adding movement over time to make a shake but struggling to locate the offset values on the camera controller script. Is this possible? The camera on UCC seems to be unaffected by manual location and instead is positioned by the offsets values. If I add a mover script directly to the camera itself will just glitch out and not really shake at all. My other thought is to switch cameras in time, i.e camera shake view then back to player.
Yes, you can add a force to the camera controller. In the demo scene we do that for effects similar to explosions or recoil. CameraController.AddPositional/RotationalForce or CameraController.AddSecondaryPositionla/RotationalForce.
Do I literally add that code within the Camera Controller script itself? (My code understanding is very basic most of the time).
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