[Bug] Similar Radius Adjustment values cancel each other


Active member
Hello, today I was trying to give the Capsule Collider Positioner the same Radius Adjustment value when the Hang or Ledge Strafe abilities were active using the State System, and realized that if the exact same value was used for two presets activated one at a time and one after the other, then the Radius Adjustment becomes zero ! Here is a video illustrating this :

Here's the bit of code responsible for the issue, you just need to comment it out like that :

        public float RadiusAdjustment { get { return m_RadiusAdjustment; }
            set {
                //if (m_RadiusAdjustment == value)
                //    return;
                if (m_RadiusAdjustmentEvent != null) {
                    m_RadiusAdjustmentEvent = null;

Is there a reason why this check was added ? I honestly don't get it and as you can see here it's actually problematic if you truly need to use a succession of abilities that rely on the same collider radius value.