Bug report. Inspector get stuck when edit Character properties


New member
Everything is fine. Except edit any properties in Character. Such as Input Name. Any text. Press a key and wait a second then the character you press will show up.
Unity 2021.3.1f1c1 has this problem. 2021.3.0f1c1(or 2020. I just remember I don't have this problem at start) is fine.

[These two shows in both unity 2020 and 2021 in my case]
Another bug is. Add any ability you must deselect the character and select it again to show it in inspector. Or it will show an empty tab in ability.
Another is. Change order of abilities you must deselect the character too. Or you can't change order of another ability.
And delete an ability. If you click another ability. It will have an error in console.
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It does look like it's an issue with 2021.3.1. I would report the bug so they can fix it. Your profiler only shows Unity methods.
It does look like it's an issue with 2021.3.1. I would report the bug so they can fix it. Your profiler only shows Unity methods.
That's fine. Maybe you can check the other problem I post in the end. It's not a big deal but annoying.
Another bug is. Add any ability you must deselect the character and select it again to show it in inspector. Or it will show an empty tab in ability.
Another is. Change order of abilities you must deselect the character too. Or you can't change order of another ability.
And delete an ability. If you click another ability. It will have an error in console.
Reordering is a known issue:

I am not able to reproduce the add/remove problem though. Can you list how to reproduce in a fresh project?
Thanks, I was able to reproduce the add and remove. I have it fixed - the ReorderableList needs to be explicitly set in this version of Unity. I will include this in the next update but will also send you the changes early.