Bug - Nolan doesn't stand from crouch if near a wall

This might be a bug, or I might have changed something on my end.

1. Character controller variant - FPC 2.4.9
2. Unity version - 2020.3.11f1
3. Bug description/ Steps to reproduce
If you stand very close to a wall, the player is unable to stand up properly. Specifically, the capsule collider does not regain its standing height. The camera does move back to normal height though, along with the standing animation playing as well. I first encountered this with my own character, and then was able to reproduce it with Nolan in the demo. I'm not sure if I changed the HeightChange ability script, so would recommend trying it on your end as well. Make sure to walk into the wall and then try to crouch/stand up. Attached a video of the issue -

Version 2 is no longer supported. I just tried this in version 3 and it worked so I recommend updating.
Version 2 is no longer supported. I just tried this in version 3 and it worked so I recommend updating.
I expected this response - do you not even provide customer support/ bug fixes on V2? Updating is not possible for me/many others in the middle of a project.

This seems like a very core issue. Could you possibly take a look and help me with a fix at least, or have you completely discarded V2 and the people that are using it?
I am no longer able to support version 2 of the controller. If you'd like I can offer paid support (my current rate is $150/hour) on previous versions. For this get in contact with me at support@opsive.com.