[BUG] No footeffects


New member

When I use my character models with the build no or sometime the foot effects are playing. vers 2.1.1

Tried different Offset values, also the triggers are not working Always played on the foot of the characters and also fixed interval.

I created a new character in a scene with just the plane and was able to hear footsteps. You'll want to make sure you've setup the Surface Manager for your scene.
So the effects are firing but I can only hear the footsteps any n times… sometimes every fifth and sometimes every 10nth. If i use the fallback Surface everything works fine but if I walk on sand it hears like concrete which is the fallback and working fine but it cannot detect the Surface i am walking on. All surfaces are set with its identifier , sand has a sand surfce etc.... I also tried to set to convex Colliders as i am Walking on meshes but despite the collision does not detect the specific Terraintype or Surfacetype….