[Bug]Hotbar item is still displayed in hotbar even if I throw it out from inventory


My UIS version is v1.2.13

If the item is apple, display apple with count 0 is no problem.
But when the item is a weapon, it's abnormal.
We may need some option to control this behavior in different situaltion.

I need a behavior that when comsumables comsumed out and when weapon has been dropped or broken, the Hotbar will remove the item from itself as we had never assign it to hotbar
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I'm adding this to the next update. for the ITemHotbar script

[Tooltip("If true the items removed from the inventory will be removed from the hotbar")]
[NonSerialized] protected bool m_RemoveItemIfAmountIs0;

protected virtual void RefreshItemSlotInfos()
    var slots = m_ItemViewSlots;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_ItemViewSlots.Length; i++) {
        var itemInfo = slots[i].ItemInfo;
        if (itemInfo.Item == null) { continue; }
        var amount = itemInfo.ItemCollection?.GetItemAmount(itemInfo.Item) ?? 0;
        ItemInfo newItemInfo;
        if (amount == 0) {
            var result = itemInfo.Inventory?.GetItemInfo(itemInfo.Item);
            if (result.HasValue) {
                newItemInfo = result.Value;
            } else {
                newItemInfo = (0, itemInfo);
        } else {
            newItemInfo = (amount, itemInfo);
        if (m_RemoveItemIfAmountIs0 && newItemInfo.Amount == 0) {
        } else {