BT Editor will not auto-display the current node while entering play mode


New member
When I entered play mode, I have to deselect the BT object in the hierarchy, and reselect it to monitor the BT editor. Here is a video I recorded.
I wondered if it is because I put an Assembly Definition under the Behavior Tree folder, if so, what should I refer to in the file?BT_Assembly.png

My unity version is 2021.3.6f1 and here is the video clip I recorded
I have a few questions:

- Are you running the most recent version of Behavior Designer? If not, what happens if you update?
- If you remove the assembly definition does it work?
- Are you able to reproduce the issue in a fresh project?
1. Yes, I just updated the newest version. Now the situation is: When I choose the BT object, it displayed normally. But when I locked the BT editor, it did not show the running task again, even though I chose the BT object in the hierarchy.

2. I removed the assembly definition and the problem still exists.

3. When I created a fresh project, the problem did not exist anymore. I also tried to put an assembly definition file under the fresh project, and the BT editor worked just fine.
Problem located: Because I enabled the Enter Play Mode Settings, so when I locked the BT editor, it didn't react normally. When I disabled the enter play mode options or enable the "Reload Domain" button, the BT editor acted normally.
So if there is a way to avoid this problem?

Thanks for narrowing it down. I was able to reproduce this and will let you know after I have a chance to look into it.
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